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Colloidal Silver


Size: 100ml, 15ml

Higher Nature’s Colloidal Silver is 10-20% ionic and 80-90% particulate (colloidal) silver. The only ingredients in this product are purified water and premium-grade silver undergone a rigorous approval process, providing you with reliable colloidal silver.

Colloidal silver contains particle sizes in the region of 0.6 – 5 nanometres. These small particles are in the nano-range and are naturally occurring. The small size of the silver particles is important because smaller particles provide a greater surface area per volume, allowing the silver to exert a greater effect.

Ideal for use at home, when out and about, or on your travels. Perfect for looking after yourself, family and friends, and even many pets. A brilliant addition to any household.

  • Premium grade
  • 99.99% pure silver
  • Great travel companion
  • Ideal home use application

Natural antiseptic spray

Silver in very small particles (0.002 to 0.008 microns)

Colloidal silver in high purity deionized water.

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